
Specific Objective 1: Strengthening of the volcanic early warning system in Macaronesia through the improvement of instrumental networks and development and implementation of innovative methodologies.

  • Activity 2.1.1: Design and implementation of geophysical and geochemical instrumental networks to strengthen the response to volcanic emergencies.
  • Activity 2.1.2: Design and implementation of an instrumental network of remote optical sensors to strengthen the response to volcanic emergencies.
  • Activity 2.1.3: Implementation of a petrological methodology to establish the time scales of the Macaronesia volcanic eruption precursors.


Specific Objective 2: Strengthen the resilience of volcanic monitoring systems in Macaronesia.

  • Activity 2.2.1: Improvement of data acquisition and transmission systems to guarantee the effective operation of volcanic monitoring systems during emergencies.
  • Activity 2.2.2: Development and improvement of the information processing and storage system generated by the instrumental volcanic surveillance networks.
  • Activity 2.2.3: Create, strengthen and maintain a technological infrastructure, technological equipment and ad-hoc technical personnel for the development of monitoring centers for the scientific management of volcanic emergencies.


Specific Objective 3: Build a collaborative network between participating partners and national and/or international I+D institutions with a recognized track record to strengthen the scientific response to volcanic emergencies in Macaronesia.


  • Activity 2.3.1: Conducting volcanic emergency drills in Macaronesia to strengthen the response of participating partners during the pre-eruption and eruption phases.
  • Activity 2.3.2: Generation of specialized human capital on issues of volcanic risk and resilience to the volcanic emergency, through the transfer of knowledge, tools and technologies from and to society.
  • Activity 2.3.3: Organization of three workshops to disseminate the results.